Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Kiss Goodnight 3... And Your Gonna Love Me For It.

I've been looking for new music hard lately. And I haven't come across anything that really "gave me life". Until... I realized that I hadn't checked my SoundCloud page in a while so, there was bound to be some goodies on there.  It took a minute but, I found THIS!! 

Thank you FADER Mag!! I clicked on it mostly because it's called, "Giraffage" and Giraffes are my favorite animal. It got me curious and it pleases my ear so much (listening to it now).

I'd definitely listen to this on a late drive through the city. It's really chill and groovy. But not the '70's "groovy"; it just gets you in a good groove with a slow head-bob and it brings a slow gin across your face 'cause it's just that cool.

*Disclaimer: Some lyrics may be disturbing or funny depending on the type of person you are.*


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