Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I've Been Gone For A Minute...

But now I'm back with the JUMP OFF!!

HA! I've always wanted to say that and use it in the proper context.

I know I promised to update as much as possible but, school work and finals held me hostage. With that being said, it is now summer and my blog can have my undivided attention. I'm still taking a class for the first part of the summer but it's ceramics. Thanks to years of summer camp (along with the fear of the cute boys seeing how nonathletic I was and the scorching heat) this class will be an easy A 'cause all I did was pottery and ceramics.

I have one semester left of this college life and I am terrified. I have a plan but, I don't think it's gonna pan out well. MY LIFE IS IN SHAMBLES!!! (*dramatics British accent)

Hopefully, some really cool independent or "hipster", if you will (seeing that's the culture I just so happen to identify with) will see a dire need for my amazingness (not a word, sorry Noah) and will want me in their life.

Till then, I'll be here sharing my awesomeness (THAT'S A WORD?!) with whoever decides to peep this do-hickey.

Now Playing: "Before Tigers (Cfcf Remix)" x HEALTH

Later Gators!

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